Boguc Construction was born out of passion for modern technologies, among others in construction. The founder of the company from an early age watched how Poland was developing, first as an enthusiast, then as an entrepreneur, he drove around construction sites, highways, opening bridges and viaducts. And so it has remained to this day.
Nasza firma została oficjalnym członkiem Polskiej Izby Gospodarczej Rusztowań i Deskowań (PIGRiD). To wyróżnienie potwierdza naszą dbałość o najwyższe standardy w branży oraz zaangażowanie w promowanie nowoczesnych i bezpiecznych rozwiązań budowlanych. Członkostwo w PIGRiD daje nam dostęp do wiedzy, innowacji oraz współpracy z liderami rynku, co pozwala nam nieustannie podnosić jakość naszych usług.
Currently, we provide modern formwork solutions for every construction. We are working on improving our offer, expanding the group of suppliers to increase customer satisfaction every year.
For many years, our dynamic development has been appreciated with many awards, including Strong Trustworthy Company or Cheetahs of Business, for which we thank you. We owe our success to the high quality of the products we offer and the exceptional attention to customer service at every stage of the project.
Our clients notice the commitment we put into working with them. Proof of this are new orders and contracts. Quality, flexibility, speed, good price, that's us. It is the result of the work of the whole team.
Supports, girders, plywood and shuttering board are the equipment that we deliver every day in Poland and Europe. We focus on cooperation with the best manufacturers of wall and ceiling formwork, which is why we can offer our clients solutions tailored to their individual needs and requirements. Uptime is important on a construction site. The execution cycle of each floor requires fast deliveries from us and we ensure it.
We constantly operate according to the principle: You build. We deliver.
We owe the success of Boguc Construction to our clients and employees. Thanks to the trust that construction companies place in us, we can grow together with them and their constructions. It is our clients' subsequent investments that also allow us to develop and introduce new technologies, such as BIM consulting or training in the use of drones in construction
W firmie Boguc Construction Sp. z o.o. zajmujemy się kompleksową obsługą inwestycji budowlanych. Sprzedaż, wynajem i skup systemów szalunkowych – ściennych i stropowych:
- Galvanized and painted supports, 10kN and 20kN,
- H20 girders
- Shuttering board 3s
- Birch and poplar shuttering plywood
- Szalunki ścienne FrBox, LBox, DBox, FrEco, MBox, MidiBox, RH, kompatybilne z każdym tradycyjnym systemem
- Scaffolding compatible with any traditional system
- Construction chutes, displacement towers, temporary fences, concrete containers and many other equipment needed at the construction site.
Together with our clients, we refine projects and advise on the most optimal solution. We often visit construction sites, train and learn together with the client. We adjust the offer to the formwork or scaffolding system currently used by the client. We help to complete orders for individual projects. We flexibly adapt to changing projects and equipment needs. Most of the goods are immediately available in our warehouses, thanks to which we have an advantage over the competition, we can quickly fulfill our orders and easily adapt to emerging changes.
We are constantly developing our range of products and entering new international markets. Boguc Construction is a brand recognized not only in Poland, but throughout Europe. We send our formworks to Germany, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Finland, Norway, but also as far away as Chile.
We import products from the best European, Indian and Asian producers. Thanks to our tips, among others, improvements are made available to everyone.
Our plans are to continue our development, strengthening our positions on current markets, entering new ones and developing the rental department.
Boguc Construction Sp. z o.o. realizuje Projekt Polskie Mosty Technologiczne współfinansowany z Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego w ramach III Osi priorytetowej Wsparcie innowacji w przedsiębiorstwach, Działanie: 3.3. Wsparcie promocji oraz internacjonalizacji innowacyjnych przedsiębiorstw Programu Operacyjnego Inteligentny Rozwój 2014-2020. PMT zostanie zrealizowany w latach 2018-2023.” Celem projektu jest pozyskanie wiedzy eksperckiej w zakresie wprowadzania produktów BC na rynek Australia, skutkujące opracowaniem strategii ekspansji, a następnie jej realizacja w ramach etapu zagranicznego.
W wyniku realizacji projektu nastąpi rozpoczęcie sprzedaży eksportowej produktów oferowanych przez Boguc Construction Sp. z o.o. na rynku docelowym. Całkowita wartość projektu: 200 000,00 PLN Dofinansowanie projektu z UE: 200 000,00 PLN